Research in our group focuses on catalysis and materials chemistry. We work to develop new cross-coupling reactions that prepare compounds of importance in the pharmaceutical industry, with an emphasis on chirality.
The use of N-heterocyclic carbenes as ligands for the protection of metal surfaces is a major focus for the group. We are applying this at nano, micro and macro scales in our own group and through a series of collaborations at the newly formed C2MCI. On the nano scale, we are developing new metal nanoclusters stabilized by NHCs. On the micron scale, we are examining NHCs to aid in new methods for area selective deposition and etching, as directed to the manufacturing of semiconductor microelectronics. Finally, on the macro scale, we are using NHCs to address corrosion with our engineering partners and collaborators.
Although fundamental research is always the most important driver, our projects have significant applications in industry, providing great job opportunities for students and postdoctoral fellows after graduation, or sometimes even before!